Sunday, September 8, 2013

"HOLEY" Weitzman Shoes, Batman!!!

Shazam!! These awesome Stuart Weitzman shoes (my photos don't do them justice) were recently found at a local antique mall, and hallelujah, they were my exact size! On each shoe one hole goes completely through the heel, while the other hole is just on the upper outside of each shoe. Even though they were in need of a little TLC (some rhinestones were missing), I quickly handed over the $12 and took them home. On one of my errand days, I took a shoe with me to the local craft store to find rhinestone replacements. These shoes were worthy of Swarovski rhinestones so I shelled out about $17 for rhinestones and glue to replace the missing ones. Unfortunately, as I replaced the missing, more of the old popped off; it was going to work best if all the old rhinestones were removed and replaced with new. Another trip to the craft store for more Swarovski rhinestones at another approx. $11. I still think $40 total was a bargain for these shoes.

I'm uncertain of the time period for these shoes -- 80's, 90's, newer? Anyone know or have a guess?

Once they were repaired, I HAD to wear them somewhere, but with what and to where?

This dress may not be the best matchup for the shoes, nor a Tuesday night casual restaurant dinner the most appropriate location, but I did it anyway! (Sorry about that glare; I don't know why that's happening now.)

The graphic print in the dress echoes the rhinestone lined holes of the shoes. Only accessories (besides my wedding ring) were a gold-toned watch, two gold bracelets, and a gold ring (which you can't see). I look forward to wearing these shoes again and again!

The details:
SHOES: Stuart Weitzman
Dress: Talbots
Watch: Anne Klein
Bracelets: Unknown
Ring: Unknown
Where I wore it: Casual dining at a local restaurant

Thanks for visiting!  Comments/thoughts/critiques are always welcome.

Linking with Patti's Visible Monday @

Norma VanV


  1. Gorgeous shoes! I love the way you restored them to glory. You look fab and thanks for sharing with Visible Monday.

  2. I love the shoes and I don't think them a bad match for the dress, which is also lovely. Gotta love a resourceful lady who will snatch up a bargain and fix them up until they're good as new; nice job! ;-)


  3. Those shoes are fabulous and that dress is beautiful. Found you at Patti's place! xo

  4. You look great in this is a fabulous fit! I hope you will stop by and register to win the necklace I am giving would look amazing on you! I will return to your blog and look forward to seeing more!!

  5. Hi Norma. WOW! Yep in capital letters. Those shoes are absolutely awesome. And a real bargain too. Love, love the dress and I am with the others it goes perfect together. You look very sophisticated and happy. Love your watch.

    Have a beautiful day

  6. Those shoes are very interesting. Seems designers are thinking more and more outside the box these days. Thanks for your fun comment! I have many plans for that "little blue dress" and black to go with it. LOL

  7. What a good home these little shoes have found ... a new lease on life and new and better jewels for them to wear! Happy shoes, I have no doubt.
    They seem to like you too ... you look great in them, of course. Very cool dress. Sophistacated, and perfect companion for the shoes. Well done!

  8. Amazing shoes...and I think they are a great match with the dress.

  9. Congratulations on your great shoe find. I love when I find an expensive item that I love at a super bargain price.
    This dress is really pretty too.

    1. Thank you Lisa! After seeing all of your "finds" on your blog, I decided to give it a go. You may have created a monster. LOL ;o

  10. I quite like the dress with the shoes, though I'm sure you'll have fun finding other items that complement them.

    1. Laurie, thank you! And great minds think alike ... I'm on the hunt for other items! ;-)
